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Episode 4.46// Vortices, and Portals, and Lights! Oh My! The Phoenix Lights and Other Strange Goings On in Arizona Sedona, Arizona has long been a destination spot for wellness-types. Turns out humans aren't the only ones who...

Episode 4.45// A Beast by Any Other Name Would Smell as Rank: The Australian Bigfoot, Yowie
Wooden Yowie statue in Kilcoy, Queensland , Australia . Legend has it a humanoid, ape-like beast roams the Australian wilderness....

Episode 4.44// That Time Democracy Almost Collapsed: The Forgotten History of Smedley Butler and the Plot to Overthrow FDR
Maj Gen Smedley D. Butler served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1898 to 1931. Marine Corps History Division. In the 1930s some shadowy...

4.43// Three's (Tragic) Company: The Disappearance of The Springfield Three
In 1992 three women in Springfield, MO inexplicably vanished from their home leaving almost no clues. To this day, no one knows what...

Episode 4.42// There's a Ghost in my Quarter Pounder! Haunted Fast Food Restaurants
Turns out indigestion may not be the hauntiest thing about some fast food joints. " Strange and Unexplained " is a podcast from Grab Bag...

Episode 4.41// A Future Foretold? The Wreck of the Titan
First edition, 1898 14 years before the unsinkable Titanic set sail into the iceberg and sank into the Atlantic, author Morgan Robertson...

Episode 4.40// No One Mourns the "Wicked": Jack the Ripper and his Victims
In October 1888, the front cover of the Illustrated Police News included the murders of Elizabeth Stride and Catherine Eddowes, who were...
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