In early 1978, five young men went out for a fun night together watching college basketball. On the way home they disappeared into the dark late-winter wilderness, high in the mountains of Yuba County, California. What followed was a tense investigation, devastating discoveries, and over 40 years of unanswered questions. What led them out there that night? Where were they going? And why didn’t they turn back?
Out in the Cold... (Part 1) - Benjy Egel - The Sacramento Bee - Feb 26, 2019
5 'Boys' Who Never Come Back - Cynthia Gorney - Washington Post - Jul 6, 1978
Out in the Cold... (Part 2) - Benjy Egel - The Sacramento Bee - Feb 26, 2019
Mystery of 5 Men Lost in Sierra Deepens - Cathleen Decker - Los Angeles Times - Jun 19, 1978
Missing 5: Foul Play Suspected - Dave Smollar - Los Angeles Times - Mar 10, 1978