Welcome to the Wonderland World of Tulpas! Here a Tulpamancer can enjoy the companionship (or endless torture) of thought-forms conjured from the depths of their psyche and willed into material existence. Don’t worry, there’s only a slight chance they’ll find a way to cross the line from fantasyland into the real world where you may not be able to stop them from wreaking havoc. But hey, the potential of destroying your life by messing with paranormal mysticism never stopped anyone from having a good time!
Varieties of Tulpa Experiences - Samuel Veissière - Hypnosis and Meditation - Jan 2016
The Internet's Newest Subculture… Imaginary Friends - Nathan Thompson - Vice - Sep 2014
People Who Hear Voices Need Science-Based Advice - Susan Inman - Huff Post - Jun 6 2013
Opinion | Conjuring Up Our Own Gods - T. M. Luhrmann - The New York Times - Oct. 14, 2013
Alexandra David-Néel… - Marcel Theroux - The Guardian - Jun 14 2020
Excerpts from With Magicians and Mystics in Tibet - Alexandra David Neel - SelfDefiniton.org
Tracking the Tulpa - Natasha L. Mikles, Joseph P. Laycock - Nova Religo - August 2015
A warning for any and all potential tulpamancers. : r/Tulpas
How Slender Man Became a Legend - Gabe Cohn -The New York Times - Aug. 15, 2018